Technical & Manufacturing



When it comes to technology we speak your engineers’ language

Technical and engineering translations are among the most demanding of localisation projects. They require expert subject matter knowledge, close attention to detail and the ability to write clear, carefully-worded content that leaves the user in no doubt about how to proceed.

After all, a single error could be catastrophic for a piece of equipment, or even for its operator – which is why it’s so important to choose the right language services provider for the job.

At Translators Family, we understand that no two technical translation projects are alike – in fact, there’s a strong case for considering each field a separate specialisation entirely. Thanks to our broad pool of translators, we’re able to handle fields as diverse as the following:

  • Applied engineering
  • Agricultural engineering
  • Electrical engineering (including computer engineering and electronic engineering)
  • Energy engineering
  • Industrial engineering
  • Materials engineering
  • Mechanical engineering (including automotive engineering)
  • Military engineering
  • Petroleum engineering
  • Software engineering
  • And many more

Case Studies

Delphi Technologies

Cement Industry



Why choose Translators Family for your technical translation projects?

  • A pool of over 200 translators with specific technical specialisations
  • Rich project history in various engineering fields
  • A comprehensive multi-stage quality control and assurance process
  • A team of DTP specialists and graphic designers who can handle almost any file format
  • Usage of a variety of CAT (computer-aided translation) tools which allow up to 80% savings for repetitive phrases and terms
  • Only native-speaker translators of the target language, fluent in the source language
Did you know…

The English term “tube” can have more than 20 equivalents in Russian, depending on the context. These include:

  • “трубка”, as in display tube or “лампа” as in catkin tube (IT and electronics)
  • “труба” or “пространство” as in drift tube (electronics)
  • “туннель подземной железной дороги” or “метрополитен” as in the London Tube (transportation)
  • “трубопровод” as in branch tube (construction)
  • “шланг” as in rubber tube (automotive)
  • “soil-sampling tube” should be translated as “керноприёмник” in oil and gas and as “почвенный бур” in agriculture

This is why it’s so essential for any engineering translation project to use a technical translator who specialises in the relevant sub-area.

Call or email us today!

We speak your language

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Call our Polish office (most likely Ada will reply you):

+48 222 302 512
(autoresponder will try to answer your questions first) or
+48 792 447 724
(human conversation right away).

Call our UK office (you'll get in touch with Oleg):
+44 757 898 17 92.

You can also use WhatsApp, Telegram, and Viber to contact us.

Please remember that our work hours are 9 am to 5 pm CET (10 am to 6 pm GMT).

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Translators Family

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Translators Family Poland: Warsaw, Marszałkowska 58, 00-545.
VAT: PL5252611421

Translators Family UK: Stuart House, Eskmills, Musselburgh, EH217PB

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