How often have you made a purchase as soon as you opened a website?
Statistics show that 96% of visitors leave empty-handed, and the average conversion rate in e-commerce is just 1.6%. This means that out of 1,000 visitors to a website, only 16 will make a purchase. The lead magnet is a marketer’s secret weapon in the battle for customers. It helps increase conversion rates by 3-4 times, attracts the audience to the product, and works wonders for brand reputation.
A lead magnet provides customers with valuable information in exchange for contact details – mail, phone, social media links. This can be a free book or a consultation on a topic important to the customer. A good lead magnet hits the exact target of the user’s inquiry and works like an unexpected favor or generous offering: it is full of care and concentrated benefits. It’s hard to resist because you need it like a free umbrella on a rainy day. Here are 7 simple principles of a strong lead magnet.
The lead-magnet must solve the customer’s problem. Bad: an article about the importance of good doctors. Good: checklist for choosing a pediatrician for a child under one year of age.
Narrow focus
The problem your lead magnet solves must be very specific and tangible. Take a small pressing problem and solve it for the client. Bad: style basics article. Good: a guide to selecting budget-friendly date-looks.
A lead magnet is a way of showing that you’re the one who knows the subject best and can help the client better than anyone else. The information you provide should be valuable, unique, and professional. Don’t be afraid to overdo it and give too much: high-quality and complete lead magnets make customers think that since the free version is so good, the paid version will be a total delight. Bad: a retelling of gossip and common knowledge. Good: three months’ market report from the company’s chief analyst.
Hastily made products with sloppy designs are immediately off-putting. The lead magnet should be done conscientiously as it allows the client to form an opinion about the product as a whole. Bad: a black and white scan of a Word document with a list of speakers. Good: a nicely laid out detailed program of an event.
The benefit to the client needs to be delivered immediately and in one click. Poor: your application is pending approval. Wait two days. Good: the first communication arrives in the inbox immediately after signing up for the newsletter.
A good lead magnet should be compact and user-friendly. Ideally, the reader should be able to study it in 10-15 minutes. If the information is more exhaustive and you offer it in a book or webinar format, the content should be super interesting and well-structured. Bad: a long formula to calculate tour pricing. Good: travel cost calculator.
The content of the lead magnet should be clear even to a non-specialist with inattentive reading. Bad: long excel spreadsheet with random numbers. Good: infographics illustrating crucial figures.
Now that we’ve covered the theoretical background, it’s time to find out what lead magnets are and take a look at some examples. You can get the perfect sales text simply by ordering your website and social media content from Translators Family.