In 2022, WhatsApp was the most popular social network in the UK, used by almost three-quarters of the population. Facebook is followed closely, with Instagram, Messenger, and Twitter holding top spots. By 2023, there were 62 million social media users in the UK. Social media is most popular among Gen Z and Millennials, with a…
Social media plays a crucial role in communication, entertainment, and commerce worldwide. In this article, we compare how social media is used in Poland, France, and the United States. Each country exhibits unique trends and preferences, reflecting its distinct digital cultures and societal concerns. Poland: A Hub for Communication and Commerce In Poland, nearly 70%…
TikTok for business: a game changer or a waste of time? TikTok is not a platform for schoolchildren, and it can be very useful for business promotion. Let’s figure out who it’s good for? Great for mass-market If the process of making a purchase decision in your industry only takes the client little time, you should definitely consider creating an account on TikTok. The platform is ideal for bloggers (beginners and experienced) and translators alike. Who else will be successful?…
Advertising helps to quickly build up the number of followers and increase activity. But then you have to sweat over the organic promotion methods. And the result is not guaranteed. There are two reasons: huge competition and confident transition to the platform pay to play mode – you want results, you must pay. However, Instagram algorithms can outsmart and accelerate the growth of your profile, without you spending a penny…
Let’s take a look at how professionals should manage social media in 2021 First, it is worth noting that 60% of all people use social media every hour (according to We Are Social and Hootsuite). Social media have become an indispensable part of everyday life for people all over the world. Social responsibility will become a leading trend. Customers will pay attention to how companies treat issues such as mental health, inclusivity, and social justice. They will…
Social media is necessary for any business Firstly, this is the way of communication with loyal customers. Secondly, new subscribers are also your target audience, which requires to be analyzed so that the business remains useful. Thirdly, conversions to the site from social networks are important factors for search engines, the so-called social signals. Thanks to them, your website goes up in the search results. As a company with several years of experience in copywriting, we…