How To Craft Your Brand Voice?

Craft a Brand Voice: Connect with Your Audience & Boost Sale

Crafting a brand voice is essential to developing a distinct identity for your business. It helps create a consistent and recognizable tone across your website and other communication channels. Simply put, the brand voice amplifies your mission, and values and shows people what your brand is all about. Brand voice helps Convey the image, mission,…

Eight Failed Advertising Campaigns Boasting the “Don’t Do That” banner

Translators Family blog: marketing activity

The goal of any marketing activity is to get attention It goes without saying that interest and avid curiosity are best. But the truth of life is that interest and/or curiosity are often adverse. Instead of interest, creatives provoke anger, and instead of curiosity stimulating purchases, an uncontrollable urge to go on social media and write your thoughts about the brand. And sometimes send a couple of complaints to government agencies. Today, we will talk about the…